About autor
“What a mortal creature of God could be more beautiful than a horse?” Zofia Kossak-Szczucka
I have been interested in horses since childhood as they accompanied me throughout the times of my youth and the adult life. Although I had broadened my knowledge in totally different areas, such as studying French Philology and Journalism at Pedagogical University of Cracow and Photography at Warsaw School of Photography & Graphic Design, these experiences enabled me to make two of my biggest hobbies into one – equine photography. Moreover, being able to speak in three languages: French, Spanish and English was priceless during all my trips to foreign countries. Photography studies enriched my skills and additionally sensibilised me to various types of photography. Furthermore, countless hours spent in a saddle and while working as a horse-riding instructor helped me to understand horses mentally what, at the moment, facilitates to predict their behaviours as well as to receive a long-awaited final effect in the picture.
When I take my camera, I always try to remember the words of Ansel Adams, one of the best photographers: A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed. Horses have always been charming and inspiring to me. Their nature’s duality is what surprises me persistently. They are equally strong and delicate, shy and attentive, proud and tame. Their beauty, nobility and gentleness make each photography session an unrepeatable, full with emotion experience. Thus, I am really happy to have an opportunity to work with these amazing creatures and to share my love, admiration and respect to horses with you by photographs collected on this website.
Three of my albums: “Konie arabskie” – 2004, “Konie” – 2013 and its extended edition under the same title: “Konie” – 2014 contain the significant part of my photographs archive. My works, every year, are included in various publications: calendars, magazines, puzzles, books, etc. I collaborate with publishing companies in Poland, Germany, Italy, the U.K., France and the U.S.A.
I would like to thank all wonderful persons I have a chance to meet on my foto trips: owners of the stud farms, breeders, caretakers for their endless patience, dedication and especially for wake ups early in the morning. Without you these photos would not have been taken.
Agnieszka i Włodek Bilińscy and Bartek Karasiński thank you for photos!

- 2nd place in Equine Ideal Spring 2010 Photo Contest, Professional Division Action
- Szeroki Kadr, IV edition of Szeroki Kadru Contest “Become inspiration” 2017
- CEWE Photo Award 2018 “Our world is beautiful” classified between places 21 and 50 (the photo „Beutiful sunset”)
- CEWE Photo Award 2019 “Our world is beautiful” classified between places 31 and 1000 (the photo „Beutiful sunset”)
- 5th place in 4th Annual Animal Kingdom Art Exhibition March 2019
- 4th place in 5th Annual Animal Kingdom Art Exhibition Maj 2020
- “Horses of the sun” have been awarded bronze in the 2020 Moscow International Foto Awards
- Won Top Shot Award February, 2019
- Won Editor’s Choice January, 2019
- Won Community Choice Award November, 2018
- Won Contest Finalist in Our Amazing Planet Photo Contest November, 2018
- Won People’s Choice in The Natural Planet Photo Contest October, 2018
- Won Contest Finalist in The Natural Planet Photo Contest October, 2018
- Won Contest Finalist in The Colors Of Spring Photo Contest 2018 August, 2018
- Won Contest Finalist in Snow Photo Contest March, 2018
- Won Runner Up in Animals And Water Photo Contest December, 2017
- Won Contest Finalist in Animals And Water Photo Contest November, 2017
- Won Contest Finalist in The Golden Moment Photo Contest September, 2016
- Won Contest Finalist in Visual Poetry Photo Contest June, 2016
- Won Contest Finalist in Mist And Drizzle Photo Contest May, 2017
- Won Contest Finalist in My Best Winter Shot Photo Contest February, 2016
- Love Poland, December 2019 (Poland)
- Kentaur, March 2018 (Sweden)
- Equus Classic, April 2017 (Germany)
- Cheval Savoir nr 79, April 2017 (France)
- Cavaliere, October/November 2015 (France)
- Art Horse Magazine, n° 10/2010 (United States)
- Photo exhibition at Mara’ee Animal Show in Bahrain for His Majesty Hamad Ibn Isa Al Chalifa The King of Bahrain, April 2019 (Bahrain)