Despite the extremely capricious weather this year, a trip to my beloved Andalusia proved to be very fruitful. During two intense weeks of work, spent largely on the run for the horses in the mountains, a lot of great shots have been created. Some of them can already be seen in the gallery ANDALUSIANS. Don’t hesitate to have a look!
Photography Trip to Andalusia
New Haflingers photos
I added some new photos from winter session in Konieczkowa Stud to the gallery HAFLINGERS. The weather was terrible: wet and misty with heavy melting snow. Anyway I managed to take a few interesting pictures 🙂
New photos
New photos from last photo session in Bieszczady mountains in galleries: HUZULS and DIFFERENT BREDS. I hope you will enjoy it!
New website
I am really pleased to invite you to visit my new website. We have been worked on it for the last three months, taking advatage of the bad weather conditions for photographing this winter. The website gained refreshing and modern design, practical lightbox and blog, what will enable me to share with you my impressions from former and recent photo …
Winter photo session in mountains
Photo session on the beach
The 30th of October, I finally met seven riders and their horses – piebald gypsy cobs, on the beach of Gdańsk. We postponed it three times in the anticipation of a good weather forecast…! However, so long awaited sunrise was far different from our expectations – at seven o’clock in the morning heavy grey clouds were hiding all the sky …
New photographic book
After two years of intensive work, my next photographic book was published in September 2014. It contains photos carefully chosen from thousands of pictures I shot last years. I am really happy having the opportunity to invite you again to my world full of horses of all breeds and colours, their waving tails, sparkling eyes and dilated nostrils. I hope …
Hello word!
Welcome my dear friends and all horses and photography lovers! I would like to introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I was born in Cracow, where I spent my childhood and youth, I learnt horse riding, I studied French philology and journalism. Afterwards I moved to Warsaw, where I studied in Warsaw School of Photography, established by Marian …